The Nationwide® difference

See why Nationwide is the best choice for protecting your pet’s health.

We protect more than 1,000,000 pets

More pet parents trust us to protect their pets’ health than any other pet insurance company. We cover more than a million pets—but to us, each pet is one in a million.

We give you more

From Member Perks like hand-picked savings on pet products and services, to our convenient pet health tools for advice and Rx savings, you’ll get the most value from Nationwide.

Every Nationwide pet insurance member enjoys:

We’re with you everywhere you go, from universal vet hospital coverage to 24/7 live pet health advice.

  • Use your own vet
  • Visit any specialist or ER
  • Your policy protects your pet no matter where you travel

Nationwide pet insurance members enjoy unlimited, round-the-clock access to veterinary experts for answers to pet health questions.

  • Ask any pet health question
  • Advice from veterinary experts
  • Call, chat or email

All Nationwide-insured pet owners can save when filling pet prescriptions at any in-store Walmart or Sam’s Club pharmacy.

  • Claims automatically submitted
  • Preferred pricing on pet medications
  • Convenient locations across the country

We know that one size doesn’t fit all

We offer coverage for accidents, illnesses and wellness, but understand that the plan that works for your friend’s pet may not be the right fit for yours. We have plans to fit every pet and every budget.

We’re the pet insurance experts

With four decades as America’s #1 pet insurer, we’ve learned a lot about what pets need and what owners want.

We offer pet insurance plans so you can find quality coverage for veterinary care with a monthly premium that works within your budget.